
August 12, 2022

CEO Letter – August  2022

Kick off to a New Year! 

This month’s eNews celebrates the return of our apprentice community to school and we are excited to welcome nearly 2000 new and returning apprentices to the apprenticeship training program this semester. Some game time highlights to share with you as we prepare for this exciting new season of learning, membership benefits, elected leadership and football! 

  • VIRTUAL HILL DAY! – Engage with members of US Senate and Congressional Offices on Wednesday, August 24, 2022 at 7:30 a.m via Zoom to share your perspectives and questions about current policy. We will cover: workforce issues, prevailing wage, energy policy (and everything you have top of mind).
  • BJ4C Candidate Reception – Come meet the candidates being endorsed by IECRM and the Building Jobs for Colorado Coalition (BJ4C). RSVP here for the August 25, 2022, in-person reception.
  • SPARK: IEC National Convention – Join your colleagues in Louisville, Kentucky on October 5-8, 2022 for IEC’s annual gathering of merit shop contractors from around the country for industry-specific education sessions and an innovation packed EXPO that will SPARK next steps in the development of your business. And of course Bourbon, Derby and other highlights of the Bluegrass State. 
  • Election Schedule – Everything you need to know about Colorado’s mail-in and in-person voting process to get your team ready to vote this season. Start by Finding Your Legislator!  And then find out who’s running for office in your district this fall! 

Next month we will announce our call for candidates to run for the elected IECRM Board of Directors. Begin thinking about your interest in running for the board or nominating a colleague. 

For now, exercise your right to vote and choose IECRM! Vote for IECRM in the City of Northglenn People’s Choice Award! In June we received recognition as the Best of the Best Nonprofit and School in Northglenn/Thornton. These opportunities for recognition are important as they enable us to tell the story of who we are, what we do and why we do it…and more importantly expands the awareness of opportunities for apprentices to enter the electrical industry supporting our collective workforce development goals. VOTE NOW (and before September 1st)!

Remember you can email me at [email protected] if you are in need of a specific product that you are having difficulty sourcing or your backorder has a newly delayed shipping date and you need it NOW. We are working hard to connect our contractors’ demand issues as the supply chain and logistics challenges subside. 

Here is a current need; please contact me directly if you have an immediate source: 

NF ML Panel (Interior) and NC56VS / 79896 PanelBoard Cover/Trim NF Type 1 VS 56H (1 of each needed). 

These are the panel interior and cover of a Square D 56” panel. 

And remember, the industry is facing both supply chain and workforce shortages across all companies. Please utilize the IECRM Hire List, the IECRM Jobs Listing, and IECRM Career Fairs for your hiring needs. 

Thank you for your investment and engagement in IECRM! 


IECRM Self-Pay Tuition Policy


Self-pay students who are employed with a member company must register and pay through the member company using the IECRM Flashpoint Enrollment Portal/Process in order to qualify for member rates.

Self-pay students that are employed with a member company but that do not register and pay through the member will be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

Self-pay students who are employed with a member company and require a payment plan will not qualify for the member rate and will be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

Self-pay students who do not work for a member company will continue to be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

To maximize association/membership benefits, ALL member companies are encouraged to register and pay for all enrolled apprentices utilizing internal payment arrangements and processes between employer and employee.

We value our IECRM members and apprentice community. We encourage all apprentices to be enrolled in the four-year apprenticeship program, earning, and learning their way toward Journeyworker licensure. We encourage all members to utilize the member discount for tuition, books and applicable fees to ensure the long-term support and success of the next-generation electrician.

(Payment Plans are available, please reference the Self Pay Payment Plan Policy.)

Self-Pay Payment Plan Policy

We offer the following arrangements for students that are unable to pay in full at the time of registration.

● Self-pay students will be charged the non-member rate.
● A 50% down payment of total semester tuition, books and applicable fees are due at registration.
● Remaining balance can be divided up to 3 additional monthly payments ($10.00 processing fee applies on each installment)
● All payments that are declined will incur a $20.00 NSF fee.


We encourage all students who are employed with a member company to work with their employer to register and pay through the IECRM Flashpoint Enrollment Portal/Process. This will ensure the student is paying the lowest possible rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.