
June 29, 2022

Legislative Update – July 2022

With Colorado party primaries behind us, it is time for us to educate ourselves as individuals and as an industry for the 2022 national, state, and local elections. We need our members to engage in supporting the IEC National Freedom Fund to inform national candidates on issues of importance to the industry, the IEC PAC to support state candidates, and consider ways to give money or volunteer time to local elections in your community. The outcome of this election is meaningful for the balance of power at both the congressional and legislative level. Think now about ways you can be involved and encourage awareness and active voting among your peers and employees. We all have the ability to contribute to the outcome. 

In Colorado, please take a moment to review the Legislative End of Session Report to see how our industry helped influence the outcome of the ratio bill. We made a difference by informing our elected officials and collectively building a larger than the construction industry coalition. We will see attempts to make this change again in the future and we must continue educating and building relationships among the policy decision-makers. IECRM will be participating with the Building Jobs for Colorado Coalition (BJ4C) and the Colorado Chamber in candidate interviews this summer. If you are interested in being a more involved voice in advocacy efforts, please email [email protected]. Contributions can be made directly to the IECRM PAC to support the candidates for office that support our industry. We need to raise $10,000 by the end of August. 

At the Federal level, please see this update from the IEC National Government Relations Committee: 

In just over a year’s time, Congress has demonstrated a propensity to put forth policies that are an afront to IEC and its merit shop philosophy. Last year the House passed apprenticeship legislation that discriminates against open shop contractors as well as the PRO Act, the worst labor bill ever considered by Congress in modern times. It also attempted to pass tax increases that would adversely impact our small electrical contractors as well as direct tax breaks to companies that employ union labor. President Biden is also attempting to live up to his promise of being the most pro-union president ever. Through either executive order or the regulatory process, his administration is looking to do the following:

  • Revise Davis-Bacon rules that favor big labor
  • Require Project Labor Agreements on federally funded projects from the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill
  • Roll back the NLRB & DOL joint employer standards
  • Reverse the ‘Ambush’ election changes
  • Propose a significant increase in the Overtime threshold

This financial goal for the Freedom Fund this year is $100,000 enabling IEC to get increasingly involved in what will likely be expensive legal battles to stop some of these proposed rulemakings. It also ensures IEC’s participation in amicus briefs before the courts and NLRB that are bound to surge and provide more resources to members and chapters to address the rise of union organizing efforts. We are now able to accept online contributions by clicking here.

IECRM Self-Pay Tuition Policy


Self-pay students who are employed with a member company must register and pay through the member company using the IECRM Flashpoint Enrollment Portal/Process in order to qualify for member rates.

Self-pay students that are employed with a member company but that do not register and pay through the member will be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

Self-pay students who are employed with a member company and require a payment plan will not qualify for the member rate and will be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

Self-pay students who do not work for a member company will continue to be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

To maximize association/membership benefits, ALL member companies are encouraged to register and pay for all enrolled apprentices utilizing internal payment arrangements and processes between employer and employee.

We value our IECRM members and apprentice community. We encourage all apprentices to be enrolled in the four-year apprenticeship program, earning, and learning their way toward Journeyworker licensure. We encourage all members to utilize the member discount for tuition, books and applicable fees to ensure the long-term support and success of the next-generation electrician.

(Payment Plans are available, please reference the Self Pay Payment Plan Policy.)

Self-Pay Payment Plan Policy

We offer the following arrangements for students that are unable to pay in full at the time of registration.

● Self-pay students will be charged the non-member rate.
● A 50% down payment of total semester tuition, books and applicable fees are due at registration.
● Remaining balance can be divided up to 3 additional monthly payments ($10.00 processing fee applies on each installment)
● All payments that are declined will incur a $20.00 NSF fee.


We encourage all students who are employed with a member company to work with their employer to register and pay through the IECRM Flashpoint Enrollment Portal/Process. This will ensure the student is paying the lowest possible rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.