
February 9, 2023

A Letter from the CEO

We’ve all heard a great deal over the last few months about artificial intelligence (AI) and its future impact on our lives, our businesses and even our individual professions. I interviewed CHAT GPT directly about the impact of AI on the electrical industry and the work of electricians.

Here is how my machine-responsive, real-time, actionable-insight algorithm responded to my questions: 

How will AI impact the electrical industry? 

“Artificial intelligence (AI) has the potential to revolutionize the electrical industry by improving efficiency, reliability, and cost-effectiveness in the electrical industry, making it a key technology for the future in several ways:

  1. Predictive Maintenance: AI can analyze data from various electrical equipment and predict when they might fail, allowing maintenance teams to perform proactive repairs before the equipment fails. This can reduce downtime and increase efficiency.
  2. Energy Management: AI algorithms can be used to optimize energy usage, reducing energy waste and lowering costs. For example, smart grid technology can use AI to manage electricity demand and distribution in real-time.
  3. Design and Planning: AI can assist engineers in the design and planning of electrical systems, helping to improve accuracy and efficiency.
  4. Grid Optimization: AI can be used to improve the reliability and efficiency of electrical grids, helping to reduce outages and improve overall performance.
  5. Cybersecurity: AI can be used to detect and prevent cyber threats in electrical systems, protecting against hacking and other security breaches.”

Will AI replace the work of an electrician? 

“It is unlikely that AI will replace the work of electricians. While AI has made significant advancements in many fields, electrical work still requires a high level of technical expertise and manual dexterity that is difficult for machines to replicate. Electricians are responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical systems, which often requires them to work in physically challenging environments, make precise measurements and calculations, and troubleshoot complex issues on the spot. These tasks require human intelligence, judgement and experience, and cannot be fully automated by AI. Electrical work often involves making modifications and repairs to existing systems, which can be difficult for AI to anticipate and adapt to in real-time. In these cases, the expertise and problem-solving skills of a trained electrician are essential. AI may play a role in supporting the work of electricians in the future by providing them with more information, data, and insights to help them make better decisions and carry out their work more efficiently.”

With Valentine’s approaching, what do you LOVE about the electrical industry? 

Chat GPT stated that it does not have personal opinions or emotions but shared its view of “electrical industry advantages” and reasons that people often find the electrical industry appealing and why it can be a rewarding and fulfilling field to pursue.  

  1. Innovation: The electrical industry is constantly evolving with new technologies and advancements, providing opportunities for professionals to stay on the cutting edge.
  2. Versatility: The electrical industry encompasses a wide range of fields, from electrical engineering to installation and maintenance, allowing for diverse career paths.
  3. Critical importance: The electrical industry plays a crucial role in powering homes, businesses, and communities, making it a satisfying and meaningful field to work in.
  4. Job stability: Electrical work is in high demand, and the need for skilled professionals is expected to continue growing in the coming years, offering job stability and security.
  5. Hands-on work: Many electrical jobs involve hands-on work and problem-solving, which can be appealing for individuals who enjoy hands-on learning and physically active work.

February is also a great time to re-communicate that IECRM LOVES Its Members! We look forward to seeing you as we kickoff in person events in 2023! Be sure to sign up for the IECRM Events Calendar which will populate key event dates on your calendar for 2023; note that you still need to RSVP to attend but you won’t miss the save the date notification for the fabulous events we have planned this year! Sign up for calendar notifcations here.

If you haven’t yet read the IECRM 2022 Year in Review, be sure to check out this interactive edition! And see if you were Caught on Camera at one of our events! 

And show us some LOVE this month by posting a Google Review! We ❤️⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐’s


Colorado is one month in to the 2023 legislative session. Use this link to keep track of the bills we are following on behalf of the electrical industry. Feel free to join the government relations committee by contacting me.

IECRM Self-Pay Tuition Policy


Self-pay students who are employed with a member company must register and pay through the member company using the IECRM Flashpoint Enrollment Portal/Process in order to qualify for member rates.

Self-pay students that are employed with a member company but that do not register and pay through the member will be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

Self-pay students who are employed with a member company and require a payment plan will not qualify for the member rate and will be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

Self-pay students who do not work for a member company will continue to be charged the non-member rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.

To maximize association/membership benefits, ALL member companies are encouraged to register and pay for all enrolled apprentices utilizing internal payment arrangements and processes between employer and employee.

We value our IECRM members and apprentice community. We encourage all apprentices to be enrolled in the four-year apprenticeship program, earning, and learning their way toward Journeyworker licensure. We encourage all members to utilize the member discount for tuition, books and applicable fees to ensure the long-term support and success of the next-generation electrician.

(Payment Plans are available, please reference the Self Pay Payment Plan Policy.)

Self-Pay Payment Plan Policy

We offer the following arrangements for students that are unable to pay in full at the time of registration.

● Self-pay students will be charged the non-member rate.
● A 50% down payment of total semester tuition, books and applicable fees are due at registration.
● Remaining balance can be divided up to 3 additional monthly payments ($10.00 processing fee applies on each installment)
● All payments that are declined will incur a $20.00 NSF fee.


We encourage all students who are employed with a member company to work with their employer to register and pay through the IECRM Flashpoint Enrollment Portal/Process. This will ensure the student is paying the lowest possible rate for tuition, books and applicable fees.